Roll The Windows Up by Machine Gun Kelly from USA

"Roll The Windows Up" has reached 6.1M total views, 193.7K likes, and 0 dislikes on YouTube. The song has been submitted on 03/03/2022 and spent 1 weeks on the charts. The original name of the music video "Roll The Windows Up" is "MACHINE GUN KELLY - ROLL THE WINDOWS UP (SMOKE AND DRIVE PART 2)".

"Roll The Windows Up" Facts

"Roll The Windows Up" has reached 6.1M total views, 193.7K likes, and 0 dislikes on YouTube.

The song has been submitted on 03/03/2022 and spent 1 weeks on the charts.

The original name of the music video "Roll The Windows Up" is "MACHINE GUN KELLY - ROLL THE WINDOWS UP (SMOKE AND DRIVE PART 2)".

"Roll The Windows Up" has been published on Youtube at 02/03/2022 19:59:21

