Lyrics & Translations of Hoodie Up by Missio

"Hoodie Up" Lyrics "Hoodie Up" has lyrics in English language. "Hoodie Up" meaning comes from English language and currently not converted to english translation. TheofficialmusicvideoforMISSIO'snewsingle,'HoodieUp'.Availablenowat

"Hoodie Up" Lyrics

"Hoodie Up" has lyrics in English language.

"Hoodie Up" meaning comes from English language and currently not converted to english translation.

The official music video for MISSIO's new single, 'Hoodie Up'. Available now at 

Skeletons III available at: 


Directed by: Diego Lozano

Production Company: Diego Lozano Films
Executive Producers: David & Diego Lozano
Producer: Jeff Kardesch

DOP: Zach Morrison
1st AC: Jason Head
2nd AC: Sav Gowling
Gaffer: Axel Halarcon

Sun God: Jessica Go

Production Designer: Mackenzie McMahon
Sun God Art Director: Gerardo Emilio Sierra Duran
Prop Designers: Yadira Garcia Rubio y Diego Castelan Avelino
Costume Design: Bre Bitz

Animation by : MJ HaHa
Graphix by: Valeria Vanilla
Colorist: Alex Winker

Line-Production: BL&S

Bitch ass mother fucka’ I said hoodie  ;
Hoodie up,  ;

Life is like Tetris, my time’s precious, will I ever figure out?
Doesn’t always feel like I deserve the good life, this is what I’m all  ;
Sleeping on a Sunday makes ‘em into fun  ;Thought that everybody knew?
Depression on a Tuesday, a little bit cliché. 
I’m irrelevant, how do you do.

If you need me, I’ll be  ’m looking for a good  ;my own, I’m all alone.

Quit holding me down.
Quit holding me down.
Shit, I don’t want you holding me down
Cause’ I’ll  ;

Everyday I’m restless, constantly aggressive, overthinking what I  ;
I’m trying to be thankful, maybe even grateful, it’s good to try something new.
Unfortunately anxious, self-absorbed headcase, thought that everybody knew?
Some would call me moody; I would call it  ;of life, how do you  ;


