Lyrics & Translations of Good Die Young by Koe Wetzel

"Good Die Young" Lyrics "Good Die Young" has lyrics in English language. "Good Die Young" meaning comes from English language and currently not converted to english translation. MusicvideobyKoeWetzelperformingGoodDieYoung(OfficialAudio).(C)2020YellaBushRecords,underexclusivelicensetoColumbiaRecords,aDivisionofSonyMusicEntertainment.

"Good Die Young" Lyrics

"Good Die Young" has lyrics in English language.

"Good Die Young" meaning comes from English language and currently not converted to english translation.

Music video by Koe Wetzel performing Good Die Young (Official Audio). (C) 2020 YellaBush Records, under exclusive license to Columbia Records, a Division of Sony Music Entertainment.

