Lyrics & Translations of Bus Ride by Rxseboy

"Bus Ride" Lyrics "Bus Ride" has lyrics in English language. "Bus Ride" meaning comes from English language and currently not converted to english translation. Rxseboy-busride ;4lexfisabrandnewtracki'msuperhappytopremiereonthePromotingSounds ;HischilllofihiphopvibesareuptherewithartistslikePowfuandithinkhe'sonlyastepawayfromblowing ;Enjoy!

"Bus Ride" Lyrics

"Bus Ride" has lyrics in English language.

"Bus Ride" meaning comes from English language and currently not converted to english translation.

Rxseboy - bus ride  ;4lexf is a brand new track i'm super happy to premiere on the Promoting Sounds  ;His chill lofi hip hop vibes are up there with artists like Powfu and i think he's only a step away from blowing  ;Enjoy!

Artist Social Networks:

Support Promoting Sounds:

Promoting Sounds is a curation channel with aims to display the best sad boy vibes, fire rap, sad rap, sad songs, underrated rap songs, chill rap, feels, and best hip  ;Including artists like: XXXTENTACION, Juice WRLD, Lil Peep, 7RU7H, Blackbear, SoLonely, Vaboh, SadBoyProlific, iann dior, poorstacy, Post Malone, killval, 6o, unodavid, lil playah, lil tecca, nick mira,  , Arizona Zervas, Kam Michael, Logic, NF,  Eminem and  ;Be sure to comment below what you think of the chill and sad feels music.

