Angel Wings by Logan Michael from USA

"Angel Wings" has reached 174K total views, 2.4K likes, and 0 dislikes on YouTube. The song has been submitted on 26/06/2021 and spent weeks on the charts. The original name of the music video "Angel Wings" is "LOGAN MICHAEL - ANGEL WINGS (OFFICIAL AUDIO)".

"Angel Wings" Facts

"Angel Wings" has reached 174K total views, 2.4K likes, and 0 dislikes on YouTube.

The song has been submitted on 26/06/2021 and spent weeks on the charts.

The original name of the music video "Angel Wings" is "LOGAN MICHAEL - ANGEL WINGS (OFFICIAL AUDIO)".

"Angel Wings" has been published on Youtube at 26/06/2021 11:12:10

"Angel Wings" Lyrics, Composers, Record Label

Music video for Logan Michael's new country song "Angel Wings" (2021). Listen to the TikTok star his latest original song here!

Logan Michael - Angel Wings (Lyrics)

So it's finally over and you're gone
Really thought we had something strong
But I guess in the end I was wrong
You said you needed time and space
But it don't look like you needed that
From the pictures I saw of you and him on the internet
And I'm too childish, I'm too scared to commitment
That's what you said when you walked out
And look who's lying now

I wish I coulda saw the signs
That you weren't gonna want me
Woulda made it easier
To watch you leave
I wish I didn't fall so hard
If only I coulda seen
I wasn't loving an angel
You were a devil with angel wings

All is fair in love and war
But this don't seem too fair to me
Cause you moved on
And I'm still holding on to a memory
I want to say that you're to blame
But I can't help I overthink
Well, it don't matter the outcome's still the same

I wish I coulda saw the signs
That you weren't gonna want me
Woulda made it easier
To watch you leave
I wish I didn't fall so hard
If only I coulda seen
I wasn't loving an angel
You were a devil with angel wings

I'm too childish, I'm too scared to commitment
That's what you said when you walked out
And look who's lying now

I wish I coulda saw the signs
That you weren't gonna want me
Woulda made it easier
To watch you leave
I wish I didn't fall so hard
If only I coulda seen
I wasn't loving an angel
You were a devil with angel wings

Issues or questions? Contact us: lyricsdude@

